Good evening blog world!
Tonight I feel like ranting and raving on one of my very favorite subjects to rant and rave on... Hailey's daddy :) (and yes this was more of a warning than an intro, just sayin!)
I recently received word, err demanded word, from the wonderfully slow people at the Department of Support Enforcement and Recovery, that a withholding order has been sent out to his (his name doesn't deserve a blog shout out, sorrrrry) employer. This is huge news, the asshole hasn't spent a dime on his child since December of 2008. You know, because once you decide you don't want to see them anymore, they cease to exist and are therefore not a financial burden to anyone... ya, okay. I have this strange feeling that there will be a hit out on me in the next few weeks. Okay so maybe he wont be THAT mad (or he just owes me too much back child support to afford such a thing, his friends HAVE attempted to take hits out on people before though, true story, in the news and everything), but I do know he will be pissed, and he can be one scary dude. My bff accomplice and I like to practice our investigation skills (it's not stalking if you are seriously considering taking up criminal investigations and are well on your way to finishing your degree in criminal justice, its just practice... ) and keep an eye on his lovely mothers page. FYI I did not find her on facebook, she requested me, because you know, we are such awesome friends and I love her sooooo much (more like shes the reason my page is private and you can't see pictures of my beautiful baby girl). We are hoping to see some of his anger reach facebook, the other day she posted about how pissed she was that her hubby got fined and his fishing license suspended for breaking the damn law, poor thing.
So far, nothing, BUT she LIKED BP. WTF why? Is now seriously the time to like BP? Hello, you will not like it when the lobsters are covered in ICK! Oh wait, maybe you will because then no one else can fish either since you cant because you cant follow regulations. If he can't have the lobsters, no one can?! I'm hoping the Stupid gene is recessive so Hailey is spared. I'd like to believe such a thing, but from the looks of the world today, it's very dominate and very scary (pray for her please!). Oh but speaking of BP, I realllly want one of those shirts, with a skull and BP symbols make up the eyes!! :) (Yes, if you can't make a bad situation okay, at least find some sort of cute clothing to announce your distaste).
I guess that's all I really have to say at the moment on the subject. Well no, thats not true, I could go on for hours about it, but I know for a fact anyone reading this blog, has read enough about all the things I dislike about this family, so I'll just keep it to the minimal recent discoveries.